In my understanding, the ICT integration barriers are the causes for the failure to integrate ICT in the South African education system which is usually caused by various reasons, such as incompetency of educators in schools more especially in the public schools. South Africa`s development in education seems to be taking part very slowly due to l ake of resources that can support ICT in schools.
Being suggested by Ertmer (1999) that ICT barriers can be categorised by extrinsic and intrinsic orders. By the extrinsic barriers to the teacher, such as the schools` property, lack of reliable resources has a link to my schooling experiences as I attended a school with no enough ICT related resources for teaching but only had few for management purposes at school and preparing lessons. This means that the lake of ICT integration in my school should have been caused by lacking of enough resources or it can happen that it was because of the intrinsic barriers, such as beliefs in teaching and learning or incompetency of teachers as said by Ertmer (1999). This is because we had computers at school by there were not that much and I had never seen any learner at school engaged with them for any purpose.
In my conclusion I will say that teacher and learning that is practiced primarily on textbooks and direct teaching is not that enough for learners In order to perform at their best because some of the content knowledge cannot grasp content in this method of teaching only, learners need to use the internet and access information at any and not be limited to such times. The ICT would have helped me achieve more than what I achieved, because now I have access to internet and I can get knowledge at any time and even the times that I’m in the mood for studying than waiting for someone to lecture me.